A true Gentleman and a delightful dining companion at Festive Board who will be sadly missed by all.
A wonderful kind man who still had that boyish charm. Your kindness to myself and my parents will always be remembered. Thank you for the laughs and support you gave me. God Bless
It seems impossible to fill the void left by Victor. A true and very close faithful friend, brother and mentor. He will always be with me in spirit.
Such a privilege and pleasure to have known Victor. Always a smile and a cheerful quip despite his health problems. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him. Our thoughts and prayers are with Shirley and family.
Such a privilege to have known Victor who was a respected and inspiring man. Many fond memories of Victor, particularly of his time in Kingsbury, at St Martin’s and 329. He lived respected and has died regretted.
It has been a privilege to set up this memorial to Victor. We hope that everyone finds it a comfort, to have a place for family and friends to share their condolences and memories for the loss of a loved one.